Saturday, March 26, 2011

A come back to the betta world

Salam and greeting,

It has been a long time since my last post in fact I almost quit breeding betta accept for my F2 which is still available but only a few left (very old now).

Actually in December last year I started back with the hobby that I loved most (betta breeding) and managed to spawn a few pairs. But the outcome was not to the satisfaction and I realized the I had lost most of my skills of spawning and rearing betta fries.

In fact I need to refresh my skills about water chemistry, diseases, medication and live food etc and its really tiring and time consuming.

To date I had two spawns of halfmoon, five spawns of plakat and one spawn of giant. Will up date their pictures in the near future.


  1. daun ketapan tu just taruk je eh dalam akuarium tu ? takyah nak basuh2 sume ?

  2. ni base dari pengalaman saya, kalau guna daun ketapang tanpa cuci dulu nanti akan ada hidupan lain dalam air iaitu sejenis cacing kalau tak silap saya dipanggil planaria.

    saya tak guna dah daun ketapang sb mata dah rabun dekat, jadi bila air dah warna coklat lagi susah nak tengok ikan

  3. salam bro adzmi,means daun ketapang tu should be replace by ape la pastu?

  4. minta maaf saya dah lama tak visit blog sendiri, syamshavin, tak payah ganti, biola masuk air baru masuk daun ketapang baru dan buang selepas 7 hari and so on
