Sunday, May 1, 2011

Feel free to view and comments:

This is a spawn of Dec2010

Giant platinum black dragon lenght almost 3.5in from head to tail

I don't know what to call this one, its has a copper body with half portion of the tail/caudal red

Still have lots of pictures to add in the future

Saturday, March 26, 2011

A come back to the betta world

Salam and greeting,

It has been a long time since my last post in fact I almost quit breeding betta accept for my F2 which is still available but only a few left (very old now).

Actually in December last year I started back with the hobby that I loved most (betta breeding) and managed to spawn a few pairs. But the outcome was not to the satisfaction and I realized the I had lost most of my skills of spawning and rearing betta fries.

In fact I need to refresh my skills about water chemistry, diseases, medication and live food etc and its really tiring and time consuming.

To date I had two spawns of halfmoon, five spawns of plakat and one spawn of giant. Will up date their pictures in the near future.